Thursday, 29 September 2016

Meet W.D Frank as he chats to Sarah Jane Butfield about his writing & his new release #RPBP

Hello and welcome, 
Today I would like to introduce you to a talented young author W.D. Frank, 'One to watch' as they say! W.D. Frank was kind enough to talk to me about himself, his writing and of course his new release Lucifer's Ladder.
Please support him by commenting and sharing this blog post.
Thanks for reading,
Sarah Jane
Author Bio

W.D. Frank is a surrealist author who has been a fan of the horror genre since he was four years old. His debut novel Lucifer's Ladder was inspired by his lifelong obsession with Japanese role playing games, anime, and David Lynch movies... as well as his desire to see a story centered around the 'bad guys.' W.D.'s ultimate dream is to seduce James Franco and use the actor's almighty stoner powers to create a world where babies aren't allowed in movie theaters. He is also an avid Pokemon fan and will ramble gleefully about Silent Hill or Final Fantasy as well any day of the week. If you have a problem with that, then by Valtiel's rapidly twitching head, run, rabbit, run!

Good morning and thank you for chatting with us today.
Let's get to know you a little better.

What were you like at school?
I was a nightmare for teachers and students alike. I was in a horrible place at the time, so I am saddened to say that I wasn't much fun to be around.

Were you good at English?
Oh, I have always excelled at reading and spelling. I was not educated in the ways of punctuation until much later, though. I had to drop out of middle school due to health issues.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?
I am sure that people will call me ridiculous, but I want to be known and understood. I have never had that. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, I have been the subject of controversy ever since I could first speak. When I was a child, I was always the black sheep no matter where I went. I suppose I want things to be different for once. I realize that my writing is going to be controversial, but I at least want some people to see it and think to themselves, “You know, I get this guy. I like what he does.” I want to show the entire world what I can do and how much I have evolved. I want them to enjoy my fiction and think about the stories long after they have read the last page. I want to be remembered for something beautiful. I suppose that is what every writer wants, though.

Which writers inspire you?
I am not inspired by many novelists, to be honest. I don't know of any writers in the literary world who write the kind of stuff that I write. That being said, there are many writers I adore. I am especially fond of Robert E. Howard. My primary inspirations are Japanese role playing games such as Final Fantasy and David Lynch films. I love his surrealist style and the way he explores the minds of troubled characters through dreamlike imagery. When I watch films like Lost Highway or Mulholland Drive, I feel like I am really diving inside the mind of the protagonist. I feel like I am piecing together fragments of who they are with every seemingly absurd thing that I see. In that way, David Lynch inspired the hell out of me. While the Final Fantasy series inspired the concept of Lucifer's Ladder the most, David Lynch had a huge hand in helping me find my style of character exploration. I absolutely love that man and I would be honored if I ever have the chance to meet him.

I am a huge David Lynch fan and I know he is an inspiration to many.
So, what have you written?
I can't tell you about everything that I have written quite yet. I have some secrets to keep, but I can tell you about what has already been released. Lucifer's Ladder is the book that was most recently accepted by a publisher. It is a horror/dark fantasy novel about a narcissistic teenage sorcerer named Hugh Aaron who wakes up in a post apocalyptic wasteland to discover that he has been chosen as a candidate for godhood by a mysterious entity known simply as “The Elder.” Hugh also discovers that he has been tasked with liberating demonkind from Hell and killing the current God (Yahweh) along with his entire angelic army. Needless to say, Hugh is rather fond of the idea and makes it his mission to become God and reshape the world in his own image. He is a real bastard, but I love him. He is my boy!

Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?
It isn't necessarily about what Hugh does that makes him special, but how he does it. Most of the angels swoop down with the expectation that they can just overpower him, but Hugh is more than capable of using his limited magical strength in a way that can take down even the mightiest of foes. Whether it is through simply exploiting a hole in their defense or using their own powers against them, Hugh refuses to become a victim of those who are more powerful than he is ever again.

What are you working on at the minute?
I am working on the sequel to Lucifer's Ladder! It is going to be incredibly badass.

What’s it about?
I can't give you too many details, but it is a continuation of the events that begin in Lucifer's Ladder and it explores the incredible impact that those events have.

What genre are your books?
I primarily write psychological horror and dark fantasy, but I have written a few crime stories as well.

When did you decide to become a writer?
I decided to become a writer the moment that I realized that I was never going to see the kind of story I wanted to write if I didn't write it myself.

Why do you write?
I write partially because it helps me stay sane and mostly because I like creating stories that I can be proud of.

What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?
Boredom mostly. I realized that I wasn't ever going to see the sort of characters or story that I had been thinking about, so I finally wrote them down. However, I likely would have never done that if I had something that I thought would have been more entertaining at the time.

Do you write full-time or part-time?
I am hoping to make it a full time job, but right now it is part time.

Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
I usually write at night. I am at my best in the darkness.

Do you write every day, 5 days a week or as and when?
I try to write every day, but sometimes I don't have the time. I write when I can.

Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day?
I try to write more than one thousand words per day.

Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?
I write on my computer. I can't imagine writing with anything else.

Where do the your ideas come from?
I am honestly not sure most of the time. Sometimes the ideas are just there.

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?
I usually like to have some idea of what kind of story I am writing and where everything is going to end up.

What is the hardest thing about writing?
Convincing myself to sit down and write. God, that can be so difficult sometimes. I enjoy writing, but I become distracted pretty easily. I constantly have to fight myself to get stuff done.

What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?
Probably facing the world when I was channelling so much pain and rage every single day. I snapped at a few people after I wrote a certain chapter because of how raw the emotion was and how stressed out those scenes made me feel.

What is the easiest thing about writing?
Creating characters is the easiest part for me. I can create entire identities in an instant as long as I am behind a keyboard.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?
It usually takes me at least six months, but Lucifer's Ladder only took me three, I believe.

This book is part of a series, tell us a little about it?
Lucifer's Ladder is indeed a part of a series. It will be a trilogy focused on Hugh's war against those who conflict with his ideals and his blood-drenched struggle to achieve true paradise in a reality that will not easily allow it.

What are your thoughts on writing a book series.
I believe that each book in a series needs to end on a satisfying note that ties up most of the loose ends that are exclusive to that individual story. Obviously some unfinished puzzles need to be left that way until the series is ready for them to be resolved, but I think there is a difference between a satisfying cliffhanger and a cliffhanger that makes you think, “Wow! There wasn't nearly enough gratification here!”

Do you read much and if so who are your favourite authors.
I read as much as I can. My favorite authors are probably Stephen King and Robert E. Howard. I also love Hideaki Sena and Koji Suzuki.

For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books?
I want to feel the real thing in my hands! I am glad that people who prefer owning things digitally can have it their way, but I personally love being able to hold what I am reading.

What book/s are you reading at present?
I am reading the Preacher comic series for the first time and I am hopefully going to start Dune sooner than later. I want to read that eventually.

Who edited your book and how did you select him/her?
A lovely woman by the name of Majanka Verstraete did the final edit for Lucifer's Ladder. Catherine Lenderi (my best friend) did some editing beforehand, though.

Who designed your book cover/s?
The cover artist for my publisher (Fear Front Publishing) did that. His name is Scott Deyett and he is excellent at what he does… as you can see for yourself.

Do you think that the cover plays an important part in the buying process?
Hell yes! Many people judge books by their covers. An alluring cover is absolutely necessary.

What is your favourite motivational phrase.
“It is not over until I say it is over.” It motivates me to remind myself that I am in control.

What is your favourite book and why?
Maybe Parasite Eve by Hideaki Sena? I love the insane questions it brings up. Plus, it is just an excellent novel.

What is your favourite quote?
“Something smells fishy here and it ain't cod.” It is an actual line from Final Fantasy V. God, it is so beautifully horrible! It makes me laugh every time. Don't judge me!

What is your favourite film and why?
Gremlins. There are better and more thought-provoking films out there, but the reason that I love Gremlins so much is because it puts almost everything I love into a single movie. It has adorable creatures, dark comedy, violence, and mayhem. That film might as well have been made for me.

Where can you see yourself in 5 years time?
I try not to think about the future too much, but hopefully I am not mauled to death by zombies or something along those lines. That would suck.

What advice would you give to your younger self?
Hide your horror movies in a more secure location! Jeez!

Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
I would love to meet David Lynch! He is my idol.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
Just keep at it no matter how bad you think your writing is. Your writing style will improve gradually as you go along, I promise. Don't give up on your dreams. The only thing separating you from your idols is practice and a publishing deal.

How can readers discover more about you and you work?
You can check out my website in the link below and follow me on Facebook or Twitter. (Preferably both) You can also check out my author page on Amazon. I hope all of you buy Lucifer's Ladder and visit my social media pages to chat with me about it. I would love to answer your questions and hear your thoughts on it. All of my fans mean the world to me and I smile every time I hear from them. I cannot wait to show everyone Lucifer's Ladder and I hope that you will join me on this admittedly ambitious journey that I am undertaking. W.D. Frank out!

Book Links: 

Thank you so much that was an awesome interview.
I would like to wish you every success in your writing career.

Readers and bloggers please share this post for WD Frank.

Thank you for reading,
Sarah Jane

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

"Dangerous" New Release from Ian Probert - Not to be missed! #RPBP

Hello and welcome,
I am delighted to share news of a new release from author Ian Probert. If you remember the iconic boxing match between Michael Watson and Chris Eubank then you will enjoy this! if you ever wondered about how childhood events impact adult life then you will love this. "Something for everyone."
I hope you enjoy this introduction and excerpt, be sure to comment and share.
Sarah Jane

A quarter of a century ago journalist and author Ian Probert decided never to write about boxing again. His decision was prompted by the injuries sustained by boxer Michael Watson during his world title fight with Chris Eubank. Now, in common with so many fighters, Probert is making an inevitable comeback. Dangerous sees Probert return to the scene of an obsession that has gripped him from childhood. In the course of numerous meetings with a number of leading figures in the fight game, including Herol Graham, Steve Collins, Michael Watson, Nigel Benn, Ambrose Mendy, Rod Douglas, Frank Buglioni, Kellie Maloney, Glen McCrory and Jim McDonnell among others, Probert takes a look at how lives have changed, developed and even unravelled during the time he has been away from the sport. From an illuminating and honest encounter with transgender fight manager Kellie Maloney to an emotional reunion with Watson himself, Probert discovers just how much the sport has changed during his absence. The end result is one of the most fascinating and unusual books ever to have been written about boxing.

Michael Watson

How does Ian describe his book: 

"Dangerous is an autobiographical account of the events of last year. Basically, after suffering long-term depression due to the death of my father I sought therapy. The therapist advised me to write about boxing as a means of getting over my depression."

Check out this excerpt from Chapter One

Chapter 01 – Scars
It was 23 years ago when I last saw him. His eyes were closed and an oxygen mask was strapped to his mouth. His magnificent muscular torso was a tangle of tubes and sensors. He lay on the bed like a sleeping baby. The slightest of frowns pinched his forehead as if he were dreaming the longest dream: a dream that would last for a biblical 40 days and 40 nights before he would awaken to discover that his life had been ripped apart. That he could never again be the person that he used to be.
In a windswept hotel on the outskirts of Essex I sit at the rear of a vast banqueting hall and wait to see his face once more. I’m wearing the suit that I wore at my wedding and for the last three funerals that I attended. You could say that I’m not a suit person. It hangs loose on my body on account of the large amount of weight I’ve lost in the past couple of years.
‘You’ve put some pounds on,’ says a cor blimey voice, ‘You used to be a skinny fella.’
The voice takes a seat across from me at the table and I recognise its source. It’s also been more than two decades since I last saw him and his hair has waved goodbye – although I’m not one to talk – and he’s something like twice the size that he used to be.
‘You look like you’ve lost weight,’ I lie.
The other man caresses his beer gut and stares at the floor. ‘Yeah... I’ve been working out,’ he says without a trace of irony.
The stranger from my past withdraws to the bar leaving me alone at the dinner table to scrutinise other faces. In the far distance an ex-boxer named Nigel Benn is charging £20 a shot to be photographed with time-ravaged fans. The former world champion looks trim and wears a stylish striped jacket that would probably look ridiculous on anybody else. He grins earnestly and waves a weary fist at the camera. The middle- aged car salesman standing next to him follows his lead for posterity.
On the table closest to me I spot Alan Minter in a dickie bow. A lifetime ago I’d been a 17-year-old waiter serving wine at an event not unlike this one to a bashed-up Minter, who had just lost his undisputed world middleweight title. Back then he was one of the most famous people I’d ever met and I’d been in awe of him. Total awe. But now it’s only sorrow. His position at the outskirts of the hall – almost as remote and desolate as my own location – serves as a barometer for just how many people have forgotten his achievements. He’s at the back of the queue now and others have moved forward to take his place.
The speeches begin. On a long table at the front of the hall a smiling Nigel Benn is surrounded by other refugees from days gone by. A retired boxer named Rod Douglas sits close to another ex-fighter named Herol Graham, the man whose punches put an end to Douglas’ career. The two seem unaware of one another’s presence and I wonder if this is no accident. To Graham’s right is former world featherweight champion Colin McMillan and an assortment of other former prizefighters’ whose blurred features remain hidden in the shadows.
But I’m not here to see these people. Although they all in one way or another belong to my past I’m here to see only one person. I know he’s coming because the organiser of this tribute to Nigel Benn tipped me off before generously inviting me along. Everybody else seems to know he’s coming, too. It has to be the worst kept secret since someone let it slip that smoking is bad for you.
A whisper from the table, ‘Michael’s here.’ And suddenly I can stand it no longer. I climb to my feet and quietly exit the hall. Standing listlessly at the foot of a smartly decorated staircase are two disinterested looking bouncers. I ask them if they’ve seen Michael and they gesture towards a small corridor to the left of the staircase.
I find myself standing outside a disabled toilet. I try the handle. It’s locked. But just as I’m leaving, the door swings open and a large middle-aged black man with glasses and greying temples appears. We look at each other for a long time and disjointed words tumble from my lips, ‘Michael... It’s so nice to see you.’ It’s all I can think of saying. My voice is trembling and already I’m weak with emotion.
The man in front of me is slightly taller than I and wearing a freshly-pressed grey suit. He stretches out a huge hand in my direction and gives me the thumbs-up.
‘It’s so nice to see you,’ I repeat. I take hold of that giant hand and gently stroke it like a fragile flower.
‘It’s good to see you, too,’ says Michael. ‘Listen, I gotta go now... We’ll talk later.’
He shuffles past me with obvious difficulty into the darkness of the banqueting hall. Heads begin to turn as Michael rests his hand on somebody’s shoulder and is slowly guided towards the top table. The man with the microphone stops talking. It takes several seconds before people begin to understand what is happening.
Back in my seat I watch as Nigel Benn leaves his chair and wraps his arms around Michael. Vanquished and victor reunited. A quarter of a century ago Michael had bludgeoned Benn’s exhausted body to the canvas on a memorable evening in Finsbury Park with Benn’s Commonwealth middleweight title at stake. But now the pair are locked in a lovers’ embrace. The sight is surreal and invigorating and life affirming. I’m breathless and dizzy. Our brief reunion was so simple. So straightforward. So nondescript. In the days leading up to that moment I had been nervous, restless, full of questions. Would Michael remember me? Would he want to see me again after all this time? But it had all seemed so natural. It was more than I could ever have hoped for.
Still more speeches. Food is served: simple but edible and I make decorative chit-chat with the strangers at my table. But I’m yearning to tell somebody about the miracle that has just occurred. About how Michael and I were once friends. About how he was a young boxer and I was a young writer and somehow we formed a partnership that meant something. About how I went to visit Michael on the night of the injury he sustained during a world title clash with Chris Eubank and was received less than warmly by his overprotective friends: even though they should have known better they saw me as nothing more than just another journo, come to get his pound of flesh from the stricken figure in intensive care. About how I decided that the best thing I could do was keep away from him, let the ones who loved him do what they could. About how I stopped writing about boxing from that day and tried – really tried – never to return.
At last a break in the proceedings and I find myself walking up to where Michael sits alone for a moment or two. We look into each other’s eyes and once again he extends his fist and once more all I can say is, ‘Michael... It’s so nice to see you.’
Michael looks at me. His face is fatter than it used to be. Ancient scars run like dried up riverbeds above his left eye and across his chin. His hair is dusted at the edges with white, like fake snow.
And I’m choking up again, ‘Michael,’ I say. ‘I just want to thank you. You’ve made such a difference to my life.’
And it’s true. When I first met Michael I was penniless and struggling. Because he believed I was able to make a small mark in sports journalism and later as a writer. I owe him a debt that I can never repay.
Michael looks at me curiously. As if he feels a little sorry for me. ‘You’re too emotional,’ he says, his speech slightly blurred. ‘You shouldn’t worry about things so much.’
‘I know,’ I agree. ‘The older I get, the more emotional I become.’
Then Michael moves his head a little closer to mine. He says, ‘I can see that you have the spirit in you.’
Alarm bells ring. I remember that Michael and his family were always very religious. I interrupt him. ‘I’m sorry,’ I awkwardly stutter, ‘but I’m an atheist. I don’t believe in God.’
‘Neither do I,’ says Michael, either lying or de-converted by his near death experience. ‘But I can see you have the spirit in you.’
‘I’m not so sure about that,’ I say.
‘I love you,’ says Michael.
Did he just say that? Did he just say he loved me? My shoulders droop and I think about all the wasted years. I think about the contribution I could have made to Michael’s rehabilitation. I think about what I could have done to assist his slow, painful progress towards a kind of recovery, to repay just a little of what he had given to me all those years ago. The regret overpowers me. The sense of betrayal sickens me.
‘I love you, too,’ I say. And suddenly everything is all right. We’ve taken two wildly different routes to arrive here at this hotel in Chigwell on a sticky October night but here we are. I’ve watched him live out his life in the media. Seen him on the news collecting his MBE. Listened to the crowds cheer as he completed a marathon that took him six tortuous days of walking. But we’re here now. I’m 53 and he’s 50. There’s still time to rekindle our friendship. There’s still time.

Michael frowns at me as I gently hold that once violent fist of his in my hand. ‘What’s your name?’ he asks. 
Get your copy today:

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Exciting Movie Contract News for Rukia Publishing Featured Author 'Young' #RPBP

A Harem Boy’s Saga series - A Film Contract has been secured with an independent UK Producer, operating in Hollywood. We took the time to speak with the author, 'Young' about this!

Hello Young, 
Congratulations on the film contract and thank you for speaking to us today.
Many authors dream of securing a movie deal so we really appreciate you taking the time to share your experiences to date in relation to how this came about.

Did you submit your series for a movie deal or were you contacted by the independent company in UK? 

My literary agent (Gilbert Literary Agency) found the UK Producer for me. I signed a film solicitation contract with my agent to find me a movie deal/producer.

The book contract (to find a suitable book publisher) with Gilbert Literary Agency (GLA) was signed prior to the secondary movie solicitation contact. GLA had faith that my books will be picked up by a movie producer before they offered me the film solicitation contract.

Did you turn your book series into a screen play or did you hire someone to do it for you? 

A screenplay (provided by the author) had to be in place before GLA went scouting for a movie producer.

What steps did you take to secure this deal with the film company?

It's all done through GLA. My agent offered me a separate film option agreement contract with GLA, producer and me.

Did you employ legal representation or is your publisher representing you?

GLA is representing me.

Has the announcement that your series is being turned into a movie helped your book sales at all?

Not at the moment but it help to get the news out to the public. Until the film's release, I still have to do my book promotions/marketing - like other authors.

Do you have the final say before the movie is released? How much are you involved in the making of the movie? Story line? Actor vs character representation?

That depends if the producer hires me to be a consultant.

When can we expect to see this in film?

I don't know at this juncture. Maybe in the next year or two.

Will there be a movie premiere?

Of course! Goes without saying.

In addition, please tell us anything else that may accompany the movie deal.

My contract with the UK producer is a film option contract. If the movie is successful, a TV mini series may be considered. If A Harem Boy's Saga project is really successful, I would like to see it adapted into a Broadway or West End stage musical. That's my ultimate goal for my memoir series.

Young, we are loving the series at Rukia Publishing and promoting it with you is a pleasure as always. Thank you for talking to us today and be sure to keep our readers updated on the progress of this project. 

To find out more about Young and his books visit his Meet the Author page and Book Showcase at Rukia Publishing.
Feel free to connect with him on social media using the links below.

Thanks for reading,
Sarah Jane

Twitter @aharemboysaga (erotica)
Amazon Author's Page:

Monday, 19 September 2016

Release Day Blast~'Coming In Hot'~Paramedical meets Paranormal~@sexymuffywilson @ginakincade #Romance #RPBP #ASMSG


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Don't forget to add to your *want to read* list on Goodreads:
Coming In Hot Paranormal & Contemporary Medical Romance Boxed Set: Paramedical meets paranormal: Shifters, Werewolves, Vampires, and More!
Paramedical meets paranormal in this steamy set filled with doctors, nurses, paramedics, shifters, werewolves, vampires, and more!
Get a dose of romance, STAT!

Featuring NYT, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling authors, we're Coming In Hot with paranormal to contemporary, and sizzling to seductive bedside manners by the doctors, nurses, paramedics, and more in this boxed set.

~Read Spotlight Interviews~

~Sample Titles in 'Coming in Hot'~
Click The Title 
Saving Reese by Penelope Silva
Reclaiming His Mate Rebekah R. Ganiere
Sinfully Mine Tierney O'Malley
Sex Is The Best Medicine by Kathleen Grieve
Bad Medicine by Red L. Jameson
On Her High Horse by Lucy Felthouse
Blood Bio-Med by Elvira Bathory
On Call by Bethany Shaw
Sanctuary by Xandra James
Healing Hearts by Muffy Wilson
Save Me by Lucy Leroux
Joy's Edge by D. F. Krieger
Sweet Ruin by K.N. Lee
Love Down Under by Chanta Rand
Waking Up Wolf by Erzabet Bishop
Vital Signs Amy Lee Burgess
Burn Deep by Elianne Adams
Operation Twilight by Josie Jax
Sexual Healing by Izzy Szyn
Get Your Boxed Set for this price for a 
Limited Time!!!
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Don't forget to add to your *want to read* list on Goodreads:

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Find out more about the #FallIntoRomance fabulous social media event and enter the awesome giveaways #RPBP

Welcome to the Fall Into Romance Kindle Giveaway! 

GRAND PRIZE – Kindle eReader + $25 Amazon gift card
1st PRIZE – $50 Amazon gift card (2 winners)
2nd PRIZE – $50 Amazon gift card (2 winners)
3rd Genuine blue topaz earrings (US only)
4th Signed paperback copy of Dominant Persuasions (US only)
5th Various swag items (3 winners – US only)

The wonderful and talented authors who have made this giveaway possible: 

Nicole Morgan, Sharon Hamilton, Desiree Holt, Laura Taylor, Sarah Jane Butfield, Mimi Barbour, Cynthia Woolf, Bethany Shaw, Jerrie Alexander, Elizabeth Marx, Kristine Cayne, Janice Seagraves, Beth Caudill, Olga Núñez Miret, Lisa Gillis, Denyse Bridger, Misha Carver, Laxmi Hariharan, Tina Donahue, Susanne Leist, Lisa Kessler, Tamara Ferguson, Amy J. Hawthorn, Kym Roberts

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Release Day For May Contain Fish by Nigel Butfield #RPBP

One link to all bookstores 

The wait is over! 
May Contain Fish: 
A Pescetarian Runners Journal 
has launched today. 
Nigel has dedicated this book to his mother Sheila and the royalties are going to the cancer charities, Cancer Research UK and Macmillan Cancer Care.

It's not a book about running per se it's a personal journey which Nigel hopes will inspire people to not take for granted the life they have been given. There is a separate section for the fishy element so as to not interrupt the flow of the book.

Here is a sneak peek at a couple of photographs from stories you can read in the book.

Here is the book blurb:
In 2015 I booked a series of marathons, ultra-marathons and other tough challenges to help me test my new dietary regime as I juggle my training for these events with my full time job and family life commitments. I am a hard working family man with a wife, two dogs, a cat and 7 children. If I can train for these events, then maybe I can inspire you to take on a new challenge and start running. I’ve been a half vegetarian before, lost weight and improved my fitness levels, so I am confident about the dietary changes I am undertaking. I would really like to lose 5kg for my upcoming races so I need to make sure that I am getting the protein and other nutrients needed in my diet without meat. I’ll be adding some recipes and meal plans that I have tried and tested at the end for you to try if you like fish!
But can an IBS sufferer run on a seafood diet? And what does it really take to make and achieve your running goals?

There is a release day 'thank you' event over on Facebook with giveaways and competitions, so why not pop in say hello and support 2 great charities.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Do You Judge A Book By It's Cover? #RPBP

Author - The Black Rose

Hello everyone, 
Welcome to a new week in the world of books. 
The question we have been debating over the last few weeks is 'Do You Judge A Book By It's Cover?'

Working with aspiring, debut and established authors at Rukia Publishing I do a lot of work that involves book covers and over the last few months some of our authors have been revisiting some of their covers. There are a multitude of reasons why authors might do this, such as to announce bonus content or new chapters that have been added, or to announce new books in a series, etc. When they do embark on a cover project the involvement of readers, fans and followers is an integral part of the process. 

For many authors starting out in the world of self-publishing, me included, the limited budget available does not always extend to employing the services of a professional cover designer. However, we all discover as our reader following grows that for many readers it is the cover that first attracts them to your book, to reading the synopsis and ultimately making the decision to buy. This makes your cover increasingly important. The aim then is to reinvest in your books as you become more successful to upgrade the quality of your cover designs. I love this process and in the last 2 years I have changed the covers on Glass Half Full a couple of times, most recently when I launched the second edition with added photographs.
As you can see they have evolved from a home made cover consisting of a photograph with text added to two further covers by two different cover designers.

My first cover in 2013

Second cover

Current cover

Available at all good bookstores via one link

When changes are made it also allows an opportunity to relaunch the book to attract a new audience and lends itself to a host of promotional opportunities such as cover reveals, reader polls, social media launch events, etc.

One of our established authors at Rukia Publishing, The Black Rose, is not only a distinguished crime thriller author, but she is also a photographer and she is well qualified in the process of cover formation. Over the last few months she has been revisiting her own covers for The Killing Games Series and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to see her new covers evolve. When the final new covers came through by email, the wow factor was immense. I still find myself staring at them when we work with them on social media posts, etc. The quality of the photography adds such depth to the essence of the cover.
Take a look and see what you think.

You can vote for the books by The Black Rose on Goodreads

Crime Fiction List Vote 
The Killing Game, Part One, the Blood Negotiators 

Best Suspense Thriller List Vote
The Lost Days: Book Three of The Killing Game Series 

Here is what they look like on the series promotion page on Amazon

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Have a great week.
Sarah Jane